Canopy for Ultimate Harmony Electric Cargo Bike

87.95 £

Canopy Ultimate Harmony Electric Cargo Bike

Canopy for our Ultimate Harmony Electric cargo bike. This high-quality electric cargo bike canopy is made of a durable material with good strong zipper on the sides. The cargo bike canopy is 100% waterproof, so that no rain enters the passenger when riding. The design itself is designed so that there are entrances from both sides and that these can be rolled up. In addition, the see-through windows allow for safe and comfortable view for both passengers and driver.

The canopy fits our Ultimate Harmony model.

See option for other cargos bike her:

Note that the canopy is made to put on in case of rain on the way home from day care, family visits or the like (like a rain jacket you put on and take off again) and are subsequently taken off. that it is not intended to be permanently on the cargo bike and in the rain. If the bicycle is to stand outside in all kinds of weather, a garage is used, see more here: