I have bought an electric adult tricycle at Amcargobikes.co.uk. I tried the bike a Tuesday and thought it was very good. Got it delivered overall Wednesday morning. Waauh!!! My balance is not good after illness. But now I can safely ride my bike. Look to the sides and backwards while driving. And not least, I can bike next to others completely without problems. My best recommendations.
I am just SUPER exited about my new bike – everything is perfect. Super fine. Today was our first longer tour (17 km in wind and with a dog in the barn) and I am very convinced that the car can be sold in the nearest future. Before I bought my bike, I had booked a test-ride locally. Super friendly and competent place, like I experience the Amladcykler team. Totally service minded and accommodating in all inquiries. Best, Leah and Buster