At Amcargobikes we receive a lot of goods. We receive individual parts, which we collect at our assembly plant for finished cargo bikes, which are sent directly to the customer. All parts are packed well so that they are not damaged during transport.
We appreciate that, but it also means a large amount of packaging. We also use a lot of packaging when we send bicycles and accessories to our customers. The big question has therefore been; how can we reduce consumption and use more environmentally friendly packaging?
An obvious answer is recycling. All the cardboard we receive ourselves, we recycle when we send packages ourselves. We also have an agreement with a local wine merchant to take over some cardboard, that we can use for wrapping goods. It makes sense both for us, for the wine merchant and for the environment. The packages may not be the nicest to look at, but as long as the content is properly protected, we are satisfied.
Amcargobikes support Environmentally friendly Packaging
Environmentally friendly Packaging (danish site)